Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Quote Of The Day

Whether splitting the atom or inventing a new style of sculpture it all begins with the same thing - doing.

Without it nothing happens.

Without it you are not learning.

Without it you are not on the cutting edge.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Quote Of The Day

Dive deep.

Find your treasure.

Bring it back and share it with our world.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Some people are born with innate skills, a predisposition, for the career path they are to eventually take. Others have to toil a little harder, to put in more work in order to develop skill in the direction they wish to go.

Wherever you fall on the continuum one thing is certain - everyone can, and needs to practice, in some shape or form, if they want to move forward and evolve in their line of work. 

Known skills can always be polished further. 

New ones adopted into your routine.

The potential for growth is always there, no matter who and where you are.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Chili and Capsaicinoids Benefits

Fresh scotch bonnet chili (Capsicum Chinense).
Exceptionally hot.
Exceptionally beneficial.

All members of the capsicum genus (from bell to habanero) are rich in the vitamins C and A, and the mineral silica, making them great for improving skin elasticity and shine. What makes the Scotch Bonnet stand out in particular though is its exceptionally high heat (Scoville) rating. Clocking in with between 100,000–400,000 Scoville heat units (SHU), the Scotch Bonnet adds a formidable punch to your meals.
Try them chopped fresh into guacamole or even in sweet desserts with chocolate, their fruity bite works well in both sweet and savoury domains alike.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Updated Projects

If you have had the pleasure of being around me in person over the past half year to a year ;) you may have equated me with a zombie who has had his face constantly in the computer, with little to no time for anything or anyone else.
The explanation for this, aside from my general usual enjoyment of isolation from people ha ha, is I have been working pretty intensely on some new projects which are finally starting to come to fruition and hopefully, will be seeing the light of day soon if all goes to plan.
I won't reveal too much at the moment as things are still taking shape, other than that they involve the coming together of some interesting worlds and philosophies (one being chocolate and nutrition) which when combined together have the potential to create some pretty radical change and transformation.
If this peaks your interest then head over to euphonichealth.com and sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date, or follow us on social media, if that is your thing. Lots of fun, free, and easy tips for people looking to bring their energy, mood, and physical structure to more peak levels.
Finally, and most importantly, I apologise for not showing up as fully as I could in supporting you in your life recently, and probably in general. I am recommitting and striving (again lol) to being better and improving at this. There is a definite big chink in my armor here.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Quote Of The Day

How we chose what we do, how we go about doing it, this determines the value and quality of an activity. 

Washing dishes. Sweeping the kitchen. Pouring a glass of water.

Treat them all as works of art