Holding the sculpture

Asking people in class to hold the plaster 'stone' in a way that feels comfortable to them.

Interested in exploring peoples feelings to the stone, how they react to it. Most people enjoy touching and rubbing it.

Very comforting, soothing.

Maybe make this an ongoing project, also love the shapes made with the the hand and plaster coming together. Maybe make drawings from this.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Quote of the Day

“To heal the environment, you
must first heal the environmentalist.”

-Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, 22 April 2011

Quote of the Day

''If feeling better in the short-term was the key to health, we could all just take drugs.''

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Australias Healthiest Kids


In 1942, Mr Leslie Owen Bailey, a great philanthropist and founder of the Natural Health Society of Australia, accepted guardianship of 85 children whose mothers were unable to care for them. Raised in accordance with Natural Health principles, and cared for in the Hopewood House at Bowral, NSW, they were to become well known as the Hopewood children.

Many of these children were young babies, and because breast feeding was not possible, they were reared on goats milk. The older children were initially given unpasteurised cows milk, but due to mucous problems in some children, fresh fruit and vegetable juices were substituted. From age two onwards, the diet of these children consisted of fresh fruit, root and green vegetables, salad, eggs, nuts, rice, porridge, wholemeal bread and biscuits, dried fruits, unsalted butter, lentils and soya beans etc. Between meals, only fruit or fruit juices were allowed, and children were encouraged to drink plenty of water, which, coming from the local water supply was pure and fluoride free. Treats consisted of 'Hopewood lollies' made from carob, coconut, dried fruits and honey.

The Child Welfare Department, who were overseeing the children's health insisted that the children be given 'meat', but when it was served to the children, they refused to eat it. Nutritionists from the Sydney University analysed the nutritional content of the Hopewood diet and the results showed adequate, even superior levels of protein, carbohydrate, fat and minerals in the food compared with orthodox diets. After the results of these tests were made known, the Child Welfare Department no longer insisted that the children be fed meat.

It is noteworthy that amongst these 85 children, no serious illness ever occurred, no operative treatments were ever performed, no drugs of any kind were ever taken or used, and NO VACCINATIONS were ever given. The only malady that occurred was when 34 of the children developed chicken pox. They were immediately put to bed and given only pure water or fresh fruit juice. They all recovered quickly without after-effects. Investigations revealed that these children whilst at school, had been swapping their healthy lunches for unhealthy conventional foods, so this outbreak was not altogether surprising.

In 1947, Dr N.E. Goldsworthy, a medical doctor and head of the Institute of Dental Research in Sydney, wanted to investigate the dental health of the Hopewood children. Dr Goldsworthy and his team conducted an extensive survey of the children's teeth over a ten year period. This survey showed that the Hopewood children had 16 times less decay than other Sydney children the same age. Where Sydney children had had on average 9.5 decayed, missing or filled teeth per child, there was only 0.58 in the Hopewood children. To use Dr Goldsworthy's own words, the results were "little short of miraculous". The Hopewood children were credited with having the highest standard of dental health ever studied, even surpassing New Guinea native children who were supposed to have the best teeth in the world.

The Medical Profession also took an interest in the Hopewood children with Sir Lorimer Dodds and Dr D. Clements, Head of Child Nutrition at Sydney University, monitoring their health for over 9 years. They examined both tonsils and adenoids and said they had never seen a group so free of trouble as the Hopewood children. Also, child psychologist, Zoe Benjamin, an expert of the day, spent time with the Hopewood children and expressed amazement at their independent personalities and contentment as a group.

Most remarkable of all was the fact that many of these children inherited poor health due to a history of illness and malnourishment in their mothers. Despite this, and the fact that they were never breastfed nor could enjoy the normal bonding of mother to child, they were able to grow into sturdy, self-reliant children.

The Hopewood children serve as an inspiring example for all those parents who would like to raise their children naturally, and without drugs and vaccines. These children are testimony to the truth and validity of Natural Health. The full story of the Hopewood children appears in the Natural Health magazines, Volume 5, No's 3, 4, 5 and 6 and Volume 6, No 1, published by the Natural Health Society of Australia.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011








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Natural magnesium chloride flake (APPROX 47% MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE) has the same chemical composition and properties as the MAGNESIUM OIL (magnesium chloride solution) minus water. Both come from ancient sea beds. The difference is lighter weight of the flakes, and therefore lower shipping costs. SIMPLY ADD WATER and apply the 'oil' *Transdermally (spray on the skin). (*IT IS NOT REALLY AN OIL BUT FEELS OILY WHEN APPLIED)

Magnesium is a trace metal found throughout our bodies and is fourth most abundant of the trace metals. It is necessary in every cell for oxygen usage so is essential for life, in fact Magnesium is critical to over 300 enzymatic chemical reactions, most fundamental animal & human body functions and the integrity of the double helix of DNA. Due to farming practices and excessive use of nitrate fertilizers the soil is low in usable magnesium. One the best examples of this problem can be illustrated by examining the incredible magnesium deficiency that exists. This widespread problem is under diagnosed, difficult to correct with diet, and potentially related to an incredible number of illnesses. It has been estimated that 68% of the US population is magnesium deficient, or will become magnesium deficient (based on a U.S. government study on dietary habits).

"Mg deficiency is widespread, but under-detected because of the role of Mg, not only in the plasma, but intracellularly," said Dr. Dierck-Hartmut Liebscher, MD, in his paper "Dierck-Hartmut Liebscher, MD" et al, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23, No. 6, 730S-731S (2004).


Full restoration of healthy magnesium levels will take some weeks using direct skin application (magnesium oil).


Making magnesium oil (use spring water of your choice) Magnesium oil is made by rehydrating (dissolving) magnesium chloride crystals in water. It is not a real oil as there are no oils present; but it has an 'oily' or slippery texture. There are 2 obvious ways to consider rehydration of the flakes to make the oil one will give you a solution with a percentage of flake to water but bear in mind that the flakes are only 47% magnesium chloride so the percentage shown this way does not indicate the % of magnesium chloride in the solution. The percentage figures for advertised magnesium oil are presented in various ways some say 23.5% or 31% etc. The flakes can be dissolved in water to make Magnesium Oil (between 35% to 70% solution) by mixing say 35 to 70 grams of flakes with 100ml water.

One method is fairly simple and gives an indication of the amount of magnesium chloride in the solution. The magnesium chloride flakes from the Zechstein seabed are quoted at 46.5% to 47.5% magnesium chloride content. I work by weight and add 500gram of water (which of course is 500ml) to 500gram of flakes. This 50/50 mix gives oil with a Magnesium Chloride content of approx 23% and this is fairly strong. The strength you use depends on skin sensitivity. Very sensitive skins or certain body areas may need a little more dilution

Recommended Daily Amount The normal accepted recommended daily dietary amount of Magnesium is 300-400 mg. Some would say that 1,000 mg is probably more in the range of what most people need due to stress (cortisol) causing magnesium to be dumped into the sweat in increasing quantities. Most people are numb to the amount of stress experienced every day. But cortisol can be measured by saliva tests if one really wants to know and if found to be high, magnesium dosages can be adjusted up accordingly.

Guidelines on Application and dosage: The oil is best applied with a spray bottle. One spray applies approx 1 milligram of spray and I use around 5 sprays on each leg twice a day although it will stay moist on the skin until completely absorbed it does not smell or stain clothes. You may find it tingles. You can of course use anywhere on the body neck, Upper/lower back. Certainly spray anywhere you have aches & pains for specific relief in those areas. Regular application may probably dry the skin a little as it does with me so I use a cheap fragrance free moisturizer - generic Aquaeous Cream, very cheap and available from most chemists & many shops. Magnesium Oil can be applied in much greater quantities, completely safely, the body will only absorb as much as it can use. If you use too much it can have a laxative effect & loosen bowel movements (this of course can be a useful effect if you are constipated). Why is it effective and safe? The effectiveness of transdermal applications of Magnesium Chloride is explained by the skin's ability to absorb substances which are then transported by the circulatory system around the body. Transdermal applications are widely used in the orthodox medicine in the form of patches for a variety of medications where continuous intake of medical substances is required (e.g. HRT, cigarette patches,etc.). Transdermal effect is also used in holisitc therapies (e.g. Aromatherapy). It is safe to use transdermally as there is no risk of overdosing - the skin will not absorb more magnesium than the body needs. However, it must never be ingested and must be kept in a safe place - away from children.

Arthritis, Joint & Muscle strain General Aches & Pains - Magnesium chloride, when applied directly to the skin, is transdermally absorbed and has an almost immediate effect on chronic and acute pain. More frequently, sufferers of arthritis in its many forms have turned to Magnesium oil for near-instant relief from pain. Long term users of transdermal Magnesium oil have experienced an improvement in the health of their bones, ligaments, and the afflicted joints. Some people have reported the re-growth of deteriorated bone, cartilage, and even a regeneration of enamel on their teeth.

ORIGIN OF ‘ZECHSTEIN’ MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE - From a depth of nearly 2 miles beneath the earth's crust, MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE is drawn from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed, a geological formation in Northern Europe from the Late Permian Era extending from the eastern coast of England to Northern Poland. Isolated for the past 250 million years, MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE FROM THE ANCIENT ZECHSTEIN SEA IS REGARDED as the purest source of natural magnesium salts in the world as it has been kept unadulterated from modern contaminants due to its deep subterranean isolation. It is considered far superior to other currently available magnesium chloride derived from above ground contaminated water sources. The Ancient Zechstein Sea is located in the Northern part of Europe, in the European Permian Basin, The Zechstein magnesium chloride is directly extracted from the earth by a process known as solution mining. It is believed by many medical professionals to be capable of restoring magnesium levels in the cells of the body through transdermal use. (applying to the skin) When cells are normalized in this way, many people report positive health benefits such as a decrease in muscle and joint pain, promotion of healthy skin tissue, improved mood, and less stress.

MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE has been proved to be

Sedative (magnesium is one of the main ingredients of horse calming products)


Bactericidal / fungicidal

Improve micro-circulation


Immune regulator

Heart Disease: Mg deficiency is common in people with heart disease. It is claimed by heart specialists that an intravenous infusion of magnesium is an invaluable tool in cases of heart attack and other acute cardiac/cardio vascular problems. Magnesium chloride is administered in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart muscle requires magnesium. Magnesium chloride is also used to treat angina or chest pain.

Hypertension: With insufficient magnesium spasm of blood vessels and high cholesterol occur, both of which lead to blood pressure problems. It is also claimed that by maintaining proper cellular magnesium levels many of these problems can be prevented. Do not of course forget that a healthy lifestyle, sufficient exercise, a whole food diet avoiding ‘manufactured food’ is essential for a healthy durable body. There is no ‘magic bullet’ that can excuse you from taking responsibility for your own health & well being.

Other Reported Uses & Highlights - contact us for more info

· Alkalizing agent in the body

· May help those individuals suffering from chemical sensitivities

· Used to treat minor aches and pains

· Used to treat chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia

· Used for chronic headaches

· Used for cardiovascular / heart health

· Used for cancer prevention

· Used as a mood stabilizer

· Used with treatments for nuerological disorders

· Used with treatments for heavy metal toxicity

· Used with treatments for general toxicity


MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY & SUPPLEMENTATION BY TRANSDERMAL ABSORPTION Magnesium absorbed transdermally (through the skin) is gentle and effective. It doesn't irritate the bowel as does oral ingestion. Transdermal absorption of magnesium chloride can be up to 12 times faster and more efficient than absorption through the gut with oral supplementation. It is noted that optimal bodily magnesium levels can be restored in 6 to 8 weeks.

THE IMPORTANCE OF MAGNESIUM. The range of cellular functions Magnesium is involved in are broad and critical to life. Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body, being required for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including those involved in the synthesis of fat, protein and nucleic acids, neurological activity, muscular contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. Even more important is magnesium’s pivotal role in both anaerobic and aerobic energy production, particularly in the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the ‘energy currency’ of the body. The synthesis of ATP requires magnesium-dependent enzymes called ‘ATPases’. The ratio of Calcium to Magnesium is vital for all cell membrane functions and in the function of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). These membranes control the uptake and release of various molecules including hormones, nutrients, neurotransmitters and heavy metals. Magnesium also chelates heavy metals such as mercury and lead helping their removal from our bodies, thus Magnesium protects the brain from the toxic effects of chemicals. It is highly likely low magnesium levels throughout the body will contribute to heavy metal toxicity in children and is likely a strong factor in the causation of learning disorders. Magnesium prevents enzyme degradation, allows cellular pumps to function and it increases the efficiency of white blood cells. It is paramount to our functioning.

Since the human body is run by electricity, any disturbance in the flow of this electricity through the nervous system typically causes a great deal of pain and illness. Magnesium is responsible for the movement of electrically charged ions through the blood, as well as across nerve cell membranes. Healthy levels of magnesium maintain adequate electrical communication throughout the body.

Magnesium Deficiencies can trigger:

• Anxiety and Panic attacks- Magnesium (Mg) normally keeps adrenal stress hormones under control.
• Asthma- Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with Mg deficiency.
• Blood clots- Mg has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the blood thin-much like aspirin but without the side effects.
• Bowel disease- Mg deficiency slows down the bowel causing constipation, which could lead to toxicity and malabsorption of nutrients, as well as colitis.
• Cystitis- Bladder spasms are worsened by Mg deficiency.
• Depression-Serotonin, which elevates moods, is dependent on Mg. A Mg-deficient brain is also more susceptible to allergens, foreign substances that can cause symptoms similar to mental illness.
• Detoxification- Mg is crucial for the removal of toxic substances and heavy metals such as aluminium and lead.
• Diabetes- Mg enhances insulin secretion, facilitating sugar metabolism. Without Mg insulin is not able to transfer glucose into cells. Glucose and insulin build up in the blood causing various types of tissue damage.
• Fatigue- Mg-deficient patients commonly experience fatigue because dozens of enzyme systems are under-functioning. An early symptom of Mg deficiency is frequently fatigue.
• Heart disease- Mg deficiency is common in people with heart disease. Mg is administered in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart muscle requires Mg. Mg is also used to treat angina, or chest pain.
• Hypertension- With insufficient Mg, spasm of blood vessels and high cholesterol occur, both of which lead to blood pressure problems.
• Hypoglycaemia- Mg keeps insulin under control; without Mg episodes of low blood sugar can result.
• Insomnia- Sleep-regulating melatonin production is disturbed without sufficient Mg.
• Kidney Disease- Mg deficiency contributes to atherosclerotic kidney failure. Mg deficiency creates abnormal lipid levels and worsening blood sugar control in kidney transplant patients.
• Migraine- Serotonin balance is Mg-dependent. Deficiency of serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression.
• Musculoskeletal conditions- Fibrosis’s, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, eye twitches, cramps and chronic neck and back pain may be caused by Mg deficiency and can be relieved with Mg supplements.
• Nerve problems- Mg alleviates peripheral nerve disturbances throughout the whole body, such as migraines, muscle contractions, gastrointestinal spasms, and calf, foot and toe cramps. It is also used in treating central nervous symptoms of vertigo and confusion.
• Obstetrics and Gynaecology- Mg prevents Premenstrual Syndrome; prevents dysmenorrhoea (cramping pain during menses); is important in the treatment of infertility; and alleviates premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy.
• Osteoporosis- Use of calcium with Vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption without a balancing amount of Mg causes further Mg deficiency, which triggers a cascade of events leading to bone loss.

• Raynaud’s Syndrome- Mg helps relax the spastic blood vessels that cause pain and numbness of the fingers.

• Tooth decay- Mg deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth.

Why is it effective and safe?

The effectiveness of transdermal applications of Magnesium Chloride is explained by the skin's ability to absorb substances which are then transported by the circulatory system around the body. Transdermal applications are widely used in the orthodox medicine in the form of patches for a variety of medications where continuous intake of medical substances is required (e.g. HRT, cigarette patches,etc.). Transdermal effect is also used in holisitc therapies (e.g. Aromatherapy).

It is safe, since transdermally there is no risk of overdosing - the skin will not absorb more magnesium than the body needs. However, it must never be ingested and must be kept in a safe place - away from children.


Understanding Magnesium Oil by Bill Johnson

Magnesium oil may be one of the most important supplements you'll ever learn about. It's relatively new, so the word hasn't gotten out yet - but it will. Magnesium oil is not swallowed, but is applied to the skin, allowing magnesium to be absorbed transdermally. To understand the importance of magnesium oil, you must first understand why magnesium deficiency may be one of the greatest health crises of our age.

Magnesium and Human Health Magnesium is a basic mineral of the Earth, and indeed of our bodies. Doctors say it is the key element in our cells that transports electrical signals throughout our nervous system. Magnesium is necessary for the production of over 325 important enzymes we produce, used for cell creation and other aspects of normal functioning. It is also needed by muscles to operate properly. Muscles contract and relax. Magnesium is needed to properly relax. Our heart is one big muscle and our arteries have smooth muscle lining in the pathways.

When we are low on magnesium, too much calcium is allowed to enter our cells, causing many problems. Without sufficient levels of daily magnesium, our cells become over-calcified, our arteries harden, and our heart doesn't work efficiently. Over calcification also causes our bones to become brittle. And the list goes on and on. Our bodies require magnesium, just as we require air to breathe.

Hundreds of studies worldwide have linked magnesium deficiency to Heart Disease (America's #2 killer), Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression, and many other modern illnesses. A compelling quote attests to this: "Most modern heart disease is caused by magnesium deficiency. A vast and convincing body of research, largely ignored, has convinced us and many colleagues of this fact." -Dr. Mildred S. Seelig, MD, MPH, author of "The Magnesium Factor"

Magnesium Was Once Plentiful In the year 1900, magnesium was plentiful in our food and water. Since that time, our daily dietary intake of magnesium has dropped steadily through the years to the point where Americans now consume less than half of the daily magnesium we did 100 years ago. Modern large scale farming techniques have diminished magnesium from our soils and most fertilizers don't contain magnesium to replenish the ground. Also, modern water treatment plants remove magnesium from our drinking water during the filtration process, leaving us with "clean" water, devoid of vital minerals. The result is that Americans can no longer get even the daily U.S. RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of magnesium, let alone the higher levels which many researchers think necessary to maintain proper health. The World Health Organization and other health agencies now believe that 75-80% of the population in the industrialized world is magnesium deficient. With so many people consuming less than 50% of the daily recommended intake, is it any wonder that many of us are dying from diseases that rarely existed in the 19th century? Take heart disease for example. In the year 1900, heart disease was so rarely seen that there weren't even any doctors at that time specializing in the field. Heart specialists didn't really become prominent until the 1960s.

Most Magnesium Supplements Don't Work Compounding this problem is the fact that our bodies don't store magnesium for later use. So we need a constant daily supply. Unfortunately, magnesium supplements taken orally (through the mouth) are only absorbed by our body at 5-15% levels as they pass through our digestive system. And if we try to increase our dosage to make up for the low absorption rate, we get diarrhea. Researchers believe that our bodies evolved on a diet heavily laden with magnesium in the meats, fruits and vegetables we ate. Because there was so much of it present in the food and water, our bodies became efficient at eliminating excess magnesium. Unfortunately, over the last century, our diets have changed (reduced magnesium), but our bodies still absorb only a small percentage of the magnesium that passes through our digestive tract.

Magnesium Oil Now that we have established the importance of daily magnesium, and the problems with current magnesium supplements, we can take a closer look at magnesium oil and why it's different. Magnesium oil is not actually an oil but rather magnesium chloride in a water base. It's referred to as an oil because it feels slippery to the touch. The best quality magnesium oil is currently coming from the underground Zechstein seabed in Europe. What makes magnesium oil so unique is that it enables us to absorb magnesium through the skin. This absorption through the skin (transdermal uptake) allows us to get high levels of bio-available magnesium into our bodies using a very efficient method - a method which bypasses our digestive system and therefore doesn't result in absorption reductions or the common side effect of diarrhea. Magnesium oil is rubbed into the skin like a skin cream. Within a minute, the magnesium gets absorbed and your skin no longer feels oily. Once the magnesium is absorbed by your skin, it is carried by the blood stream to areas within the body that are most in need. The type of magnesium within the oil is magnesium chloride. Recent studies have indicated that magnesium chloride may be the most "human friendly" of all magnesium supplement forms available. Since magnesium chloride is the type of magnesium most abundant in sea water, the original source of all life on Earth, it follows that magnesium chloride would be recognized by our bodies as something natural and be easily assimilated.

Dr. Norman Shealy MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon and renowned expert on pain management, has completed studies on the impact of transdermal (skin) application of magnesium chloride oil. For his study, Dr. Shealy had 16 patients spray magnesium chloride oil on their body and take a 20 minute foot soak. This regimen was undertaken daily for 4 weeks. After the 4 week study was completed, 75% of the patients had significant improvements in intracellular magnesium levels. In fact, many of the patients saw their magnesium levels go to near the top of the reference range.

Dr. Shealy explains why these findings are so important, "Deficiency of magnesium is associated with virtually every known disease: heart attacks, diabetes, depression, cancer, etc. Oral magnesium supplements are not easy to assimilate and many take five years or longer to give results."

Zechstein Magnesium Oil Magnesium oil coming from the Zechstein seabed in Europe appears to be the highest quality and purest available to date. The Zechstein seabed is located approximately 1,600 meters underground. This 250 million year old ancient seabed is unique in that it has not been polluted by human contaminants, so the magnesium oil coming from this source is very clean. This magnesium oil can be identified by the clear color of the oil when held up to a light.

Natural magnesium chloride flake (APPROX 47% MAGNESIUM) AND has the same chemical composition and properties as the magnesium chloride solution, (MAGNESIUM OIL) minus water. Both come from ancient sea beds. The difference is lighter weight of the flakes, and therefore lower shipping costs. SIMPLY ADD WATER and apply the 'oil' *Transdermally (spray on the skin). ( *IT IS NOT REALLY AN OIL BUT FEELS OILY WHEN APPLIED)

Natural magnesium chloride flake, sourced from the ancient Zechstein seabed APPROX 1600 metres below ground, untouched and unpolluted by human activities for over 250 million years. THIS MAKES IT SUPERIOR TO comparable sea water-derived

Magnesium Deficiency Syndrome

There is little doubt that that many people have lost touch with nature, having been born into our modern "civilized" world. There is also little doubt that this fact has greatly impacted the health of generations of both city dwellers and impoverished communities around the world.

One the best examples of this problem can be illustrated by examining the incredible magnesium deficiency that exists. This widespread problem is underdiagnosed, difficult to correct with diet, and potentially related to an incredible number of illnesses. It has been estimated that 68% of the population is magnesium deficient, or will become magnesium deficient (based on a U.S. government study on dietary habits).

"Mg deficiency is widespread, but under-detected because of the role of Mg, not only in the plasma, but intracellularly," said Dr. Dierck-Hartmut Liebscher, MD, in his paper "Dierck-Hartmut Liebscher, MD" et al, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23, No. 6, 730S-731S (2004).

Dr. Leibscher goes on to list some of the common errors made by modern allopathic medicine. Among them:

· There is a failure to recognize relevant symptoms as part of a Mg deficiency syndrome (MDS)

· A failure to deem symptoms of magnesium deficiency as relevant

· A misinterpretation of Mg serum levels

· Even when a medical doctor acknowledges a problem, the recommended corrective dose of 300 mg of Magnesium is not sufficient; a minimum of 600 mg of Magnesium is required to correct a deficiency.

Dr Leibscher et al go on to conclude:

"Based on experience, it is our on conviction that many patients with so-called exclusion diagnoses (as for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) would have their symptoms improved through Mg therapy.—Similarly, patients with diagnoses of depression, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, tremor, Parkinsonism, arrhythmias, circulatory disturbances (stroke, cardiac infarction, arteriosclerosis), hypertension, migraine, cluster headache, cramps, neuro-vegetative disorders, abdominal pain, osteoporosis, asthma, stress dependent disorders, tinnitus, ataxia, confusion, preeclampsia, weakness, might also be consequences of the magnesium deficiency syndrome."

In this article, we are not going to focus on presenting all of the abundantly available scientific data that points to the fact that magnesium deficiency is a problem of epidemic proportions. Look to the references section of this article for links for further research.

We are also not going to focus on writing a treatise about how necessary magnesium is for both survival and vital health and well being. Any nutritional handbook can easily provide these convincing details. Suffice it to say that magnesium is among the most necessary substances for human life, following very closely behind substances such as air and water. It is critical for proper metabolic function, on both macro and micro levels of human health.

Instead, we are going to focus on how natural magnesium can be used as a part of natural medicine to help correct wide variety of health problems, and how magnesium can be used to enhance individual well-being.

Those people who regularly swim in the magnesium-rich oceans have no need to proceed further. Like those indigenous cultures which practice the "ocean cure", a magnesium deficiency would be highly unlikely. For the rest of us, we highly recommend that one continues onward.

Magnesium Supplementation

When faced with the possibility of a magnesium deficiency, most people would simply seek a prescription from a medical doctor, or perhaps simply go to the local vitamin and supplement store to get an internal magnesium supplement, maybe in the form of capsules, tablets, or perhaps even a powder. While supplementing with magnesium citrate may be an option, there are several points that need to be carefully considered.

· Magnesium is very poorly adsorbed through the digestive tract

· Some extreme cases of magnesium deficiency completely resist oral supplementation

· Even when serum levels may show normal levels of mangesium, this is not a guarantee that magnesium is actually available at a cellular level, where it is needed the most

· Even when successful, oral supplementation can take up to six months to correct the imbalance, and even then, there is no guarantee that the magnesium is availble where it is needed most (due to severe body disfunction caused by the deficiency)

Luckily, there is a safe, effective, and affordable way to deliver magnesium into the body... One is which as natural and has been used by humankind since before recorded history: Magnesmium chloride.

Using magnesium chloride transdermally results in the rapid cellular-uptake of magnesium through the skin. By bypassing the digestive system all together, one does not need to focus on the many digestive problems that may hinder the biovailability of magnesium.

Full restoration of healthy magnesium levels will take some weeks using direct skin application (magnesium oil). However THE BENEFITS ARE FELT VERY QUICKLY. .

Solution mining brings together the best of both worlds. This advanced technique makes it possible to reach magnesium chloride deposits hundreds and even thousands of metres below the Earth’s surface with the proper equipment. While they’re being mined, the salts from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed undergo numerous processes including water injection, pressure, dissolution, precipitation and more. The end result of all these processes is magnesium chloride, also known as magnesium oil, in which nearly all of the impurities including gypsum, halite, sylvite, potassium and others are naturally removed.

Environmental dangers are everywhere. They’re in the foods we eat, the products that are absorbed into our skin, and the air that we breathe. With so many dangers in our everyday lives, it’s good to know you can count on nature’s bounty from the Zechstein Sea and elsewhere to offer plenty of safe, all natural relief!

The Importance of Magnesium.
Magnesium is a trace metal found throughout our bodies and is fourth most abundant of the trace metals. It is necessary in every cell for oxygen usage so is essential for life, in fact Magnesium is critical to the integrity of the double helix of DNA.

The range of cellular functions Magnesium is involved in are broad and critical to life.

Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body, being required for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including those involved in the synthesis of fat, protein and nucleic acids, neurological activity, muscular contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. Even more important is magnesium’s pivotal role in both anaerobic and aerobic energy production, particularly in the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the ‘energy currency’ of the body. The synthesis of ATP requires magnesium-dependent enzymes called ‘ATPases’.

The ratio of Calcium to Magnesium is vital for all cell membrane functions and in the function of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). These membranes control the uptake and release of various molecules including hormones, nutrients, neurotransmitters and heavy metals. Magnesium also chelates heavy metals such as mercury and lead helping their removal from our bodies, thus Magnesium protects the brain from the toxic effects of chemicals. It is highly likely low magnesium levels throughout the body will contribute to heavy metal toxicity in children and is likely a strong factor in the causation of learning disorders. Magnesium prevents enzyme degradation, allows cellular pumps to function and it increases the efficiency of white blood cells. It is paramount to our functioning.

Body spray

Spraying Magnesium Chloride solution on the body is a very effective and economical way of transdermal application of this mineral. It delivers magnesium for internal body processes and is an excellent remedy for various skin conditions, as well as to prevent magnesium deficiency and a variety of associated conditions

The Volgograd Medical Academy has been working on the research of Magnesium Oil for 20 years. The mineral has been approved in Russia as a balneological remedy (The science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of thermal baths) Considering the wide use of Magnesium Oil in the treatment of various diseases in Russia, as well as its close similarity to a variety of medical products, a number of balneological products based on Magnesium Oil have been developed. Russian scientists are working on pharmacological preparations based on Magnesium Oil.

In an article, "The Importance of Magnesium in Human Nutrition," by S. Marcovitch, Ph.D., printed in The Science Counselor (December, 1954, Duquesne University Press), appears the following: "It is now generally known that the liberal use of potassium fertilizers tends to cause deficiency of magnesium in plants, and even lowers the calcium and soda content. Cattle fed on such high potassium forage develop grass tetany."

It is obtained by dissolving the crystals with water and pumping up the saturated solution. It presents mainly a magnesium chloride water solution (96 %), with the general mineral content of 400-450g/l. “Bishofit” contains most of the essential chemical elements of the Periodic Table. The advantage of Bishofit is that it is free from modern-day pollutants due to its ancient origin. Most of the magnesium chloride on the market is produced from sea water.

People have known about the healing properties of Bishofit for a long time and have been using it to treat muscle cramps, aches and pains, to calm nerves, relax, etc. It is widely used in balneology due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbago, and other conditions of the Musculo-skeletal and Nervous systems. It is also used to treat nervous tension, stress, a variety of skin conditions and a number of other problems.

The role of magnesium for health

Magnesium (Mg) is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keep heart rhythm steady, support a healthy immune system, and keep bones strong. Magnesium is also said to help regulate blood sugar levels and promote normal blood pressure. It expands the blood vessels and is a natural diuretic and laxative. Magnesium has a 'calming' effect on the nervous system, slowing down the brain activity. There is an increased interest in the role of magnesium in preventing and managing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Minerals are the building blocks of life, and are absorbed by the body from food, as well as through the skin.

Magnesium Chloride is widely used in medicine for a number of pharmacological properties.
It has been found to:

· Stimulate protein/fat metabolism

· Reduce inflammation by lowering the levels of hystamine and serotonin (mediators of inflammation)

· Speed up rehabilitation processes in the body

· Increase testosterone levels and sperm production

· Inscrease metabolic rate

· Strengthen immunity

· Slow down ageing

· Reduce cholesterol levels in the blood

· Improve the functioning of the Musculo-Skeletal system

· Reduce high blood pressure

· Significantly reduce heart disease and mortality

· Lower the incidence of cancers

· Improve the functioning of the Nervous System

· Reduce the effects of stress

· Increase phagocytosis

· Speed up tissue regeneration

· Improve skin condition

It has been proved to be a:

· Sedative

· Anti-inflammatory

· Bactericidal / fungicidal

· Improve micro-circulation

· Analgesic

· Immune regulator

· Why is it effective and safe?

· The effectiveness of transdermal applications of Magnesium Chloride is explained by the skin's ability to absorb substances which are then transported by the circulatory system around the body. Transdermal applications are widely used in the orthodox medicine in the form of patches for a variety of medications where continuous intake of medical substances is required (e.g. HRT, cigarette patches,etc.). Transdermal effect is also used in holisitc therapies (e.g. Aromatherapy).

It is safe, since transdermally there is no risk of overdosing - the skin will not absorb more magnesium than the body needs. However, it must never be ingested and must be kept in a safe place - away from children.

What is Magnesium Chloride?

Magnesium Chloride is a simple salt that exists abundantly in both of the world's oceans and all of its salt water seas. It's chemical equation is MgCl
2 . A single atom of magnesium is ionically bonded with two atoms of chloride. It is relatively non-toxic when used reasonably.

How and Why Is Transdermal Magnesium Chloride Used?

There are four methods for using magnesium chloride transdermally.

1. Magnesium chloride and sea salt baths

Utilizing the principles of balneotherapy, enough magnesium chloride must be added to bath water to make a hypertonic solution. This means that enough salt must be added to make the bath more salt-filled than the body. This is an excellent way to both deliver needed trace minerals directly into the body, and to help the body cleanse itself.

However, don't be fooled by marketeers; five to ten cups of sea minerals need to be added to a standard bath in order to achieve a truly therapeutic sea bath experience. While adding a few ounces of magnesium chloride "oil" may have some therapeutic effect, simple experimentation with differing amounts will easily demonstrate that our method, which comes far closer to the natural experience, is far superior.

See our outside references section below for links to potential suppliers of bulk materials. In fact, we found bulk purchased Nigari flakes to be superior to some of the premade magnesium chloride oils sold on the market.

2. Massaging magnesium chloride directly into a treatment area

Magnesium oil is made by rehydrating magnesium chloride crystals; just enough water is added to create a very light oil-like substance. In actually, there are no oils present in magnesium chloride oil.

A small amount of magnesium chloride may then be massaged or rubbed into any area an individual feels needs treatment (see below).

3. According to the precepts of any energy or meridian system

Magnesium chloride may be used to stimulate any system in the body. For example, it may be used on the neck and shoulders to treat stress; the legs and feet to work with the lymph system; the abdomen to work with the digestive system.

4. Intravenous magnesium chloride

Dr. Norman Shealy, for example, states that the quickest way to restore intracellular levels of magnesium is through with IV treatment. The standard treatment: 10 shots are given over a two-week period. 1 or 2 grams of magnesium chloride are administered via IV over a 30 to 60 minute period of time, depending on the patient (see our references section for further information).

IV use must be done by a qualified medical staff. Of interest, Quinton Sea therapy is very similiar to treatment with IV magnesium chloride.

Why use transdermal magnesium chloride?

First and foremost, magnesium chloride is the most natural form of magnesium. In the age of overly processed food and beverages, truly natural is often the safest way to go. According to Jack Samuels, president of the Truth in Labeling Campaign, many oral magnesium supplements are chelated with nuetrotoxic substances. While forms of oral magnesium supplementation such as magnesium citrate may be viable option, it is difficult to acertain teh integrity and quality of the production process.

Other forms of magnesium, such as magnesium sulfate, are not easy to assimilate; they are quickly eliminated from the body. However, those individuals who enjoy using Epsom Salt for bath can use both the Epsom Salt and Magnesium Sulfate if preferred.

Due to its laxative effect, all oral magnesium supplements are difficult to use to overcome a magnesium deficiency. Transdermal magesium therapy is clearly the best choice. It is safe, convenient, affordable, and effective. Studies done by Dr. Sealy with volunteers have shown that after four weeks of foot soaking in magnesium chloride, 75% of the volunteers showed a signfiicant increase in intracellular magnesium levels.

By bypassing the entire digestive system, individuals can be certain that the magnesium is being delivered exactly where it is needed: at the treatment site and/or intracellularly.

One minor difficultly in the use of transdermal magnesium chorlide is calculating proper doses. Magnesium chloride should be used regularly for two months to ensure proper remineralization, or during periods of illness or distress. If the application is done on-body, then it should be used daily. If it is used in bath, it should be used at least three times weekly. All of this provided that the body tolerates the applications well.

If the body rashes out, discontinue use until the rash clears; then resume use. The body will eventually adjust to its use. See other precautions in the correct section below.

Having reversed a magesium deficiency, individuals should consider a common sense supplementation program of two to three times weekly if used topically, or once to twice weekly if used correctly in-bath. It can also be used as needed for sore muscles or with massages.

What has Magnesium Chloride been Successfully Used for?

Compromised Cell Membranes or low ATP Production

According to Dr. Gary Gordon, elevated levels of intracellular calcium is caused by a magnesium deficiency. Thus the ratio of magnesium to calcium is incredibly important for normal cell function. Dr. Gordon notes that magnesium is poorly adsorbed through the small intestines.

Chronic Accute Headaches

Some chronic headaches have been linked to magnesium deficiency. In a study done with 40 individuals, 32 individuals experienced relief from pain within fifteen minutes of magnesium IV treatments. Individuals studied suffered from migraines, tension, or cluster headaches. The study was conducted by Mauskop A, Altura BT, Cracco RQ, et al., and published in the publication entitled Headache, 1996 issue 36, pp. 154-160.


The jury is still out on whether or not magnesium supplementation is an actual viable treatment option for all asthmatic patients. According to Marc Noppen, MD, PhD, FCCP, magnesium deficiency can lead to bronchospasm and respiratory failure, among other serious health issues. Dr. Noppen also notes that magnesium has been shown to cause bronchial smooth-muscle relaxation by acting as a physiologic calcium antagonist.

Supplementation with transdermal magnesium, either through detox baths or applied directly to the chest area, would probably be a very prudent personal experiment for those with asthmatic conditions.

Cardiovascular Health / Heart Conditions

According to C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD (director of the preventive and rehabilitative cardiac center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles), patients with serious heart conditions who began taking magnesium supplements were able to excercise for longer periods of time. According to Dr. Merz, the magnesium also appeared to protect the heart. The double-blind study was conducted with patients taking 365 mg of magnesium orally for six months.

Other experts believe that magnesium is a viable treatment for cardiovascular disease linked to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. According to Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, 50% of heart disease could be prevented just with the correct use of magnesium. Dr. Dean recommends taking 300 mg two to three times a day. She recommends taking magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, or magnesium glycinate. However, as we have stated, transdermal magnesium is more effective, quicker, and with fewer side effects.

Large scale medical studies have also linked magnesium to high blood pressure, according to an artcile published by Denis Mann at Web MD.

A study conducted in South America demonstrated that supplementation with magesium reduced cholesterol levels. However, due to the conflicting research reports, it is far wiser to reverse a magesium deficiency in the early stages of heart disease; in some studies, magnesium supplementation led to an increase in heart attacks for individuals with a history of severe cardiac disease.

Magnesium and Cancer

The French physician Dr. Pierre Delbet began studying the use of magnesium chloride for the treatment of open wounds in 1915. Dr. Delbet noted that common antiseptics caused an increase in wound tissue death. Later, he began to test transdermal magnesium chloride for other conditions. He eventually wrote numerous papers on the subject. In particular, Delbet found magnesium chloride to be especially useful for the the treatment of cancer.

Many nutritional experts believe that there is a link between both cancer and heart disease with defiencies in magnesium, selenium and zinc. While conclusive data is not available, many studies have been conducted that directly implicate magnesium deficiency in the development of at least some cancers.

For example, researchers from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota determined that diets rich in magnesium reduced the incidences of colon cancer. A study published in Sweden determined that women with the highest magnesium intake had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing the cancer than those with the lowest intake of the mineral. (see Mark Sircus article on Cancer Risk, referenced in our references section below)

To quote Marc: "To not replete cellular magnesium levels would be negligent, especially in the case of cancer where a person's life is on the line. An oncologist who ignores his patient's magnesium levels would be analogous to an emergency room physician not rushing resuscitation when a person stops breathing. If one elects to have or has already had chemotherapy, they have four times the reason to pay attention to a concentrated protocol aimed at replenishing full magnesium cellular stores."

Magnesium chloride is a part of some natural and alternative skin cancer treatments as well. Magnesium, combined with Iodine therapy, has been used to directly treat skin tumors.

Two doctors from Germany, Dr. Seeger and Dr. Budwig, demonstrated that cancer is mainly the result of a faulty energy metabolism in the cells, the mitochondria. ATP and most of the enzymes involved in the production of energy require magnesium. A healthy cell has lower levels of calcium and higher levels of magnesium. When a magnesium deficiency is present, calcium builds up inside the cells. Energy production decreases; the mitochondria slowly start to calcify. It is known that carcinogenesis induces magnesium distribution disturbances, which cause magnesium mobilization through blood cells and magnesium depletion in non-neoplastic tissues.

High levels of magnesium have been shown to inhibit carcinogenesis with solid tumors. Both carcinogenesis and magnesium deficiency increase the plasma membrane permeability and fluidity.

For more information on magnesium's relationship to cancer, see the IMVA article called "Cancer Cure Protocol" linked to in our references section.

Magnesium Chloride: Possible Contraindications & Warnings

· Individuals with kidney disease should not supplement with magnesium without the direct guidance of a medical doctor.

· Although much rarer than a magnesium deficiency, an excess of magnesium can cause muscle weakness, decreased reflexes and disordered cardiac rhythum. However, is unlikely that the use of transdermal magnesium could cause a problem with an overdose (any more than swimming in the ocean daily would).

Other Reported Uses & Highlights

· Alkalizing agent in the body

· May help those individuals suffering from chemical sensitivities

· Used to treat minor aches and pains

· Used to treat chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia

· Used for chronic headaches

· Used for cardiovascular / heart health

· Used for cancer prevention

· Used as a mood stabilizer

· Used with treatments for nuerological disorders

· Used with treatments for heavy metal toxicity

· Used with treatments for general toxicity